Discount Britain: Experian insight highlights the broadening appeal of online budget shopping

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Discount Britain: Experian insight highlights the broadening appeal of online budget shopping

Up to 88 per cent growth in visits to cashback, social shopping, voucher and pound shop websites
Middle Britain leading charge to value orientated websites

London, 2nd April 2014 – Online discount shopping has reached new highs, with visits to sites such as online pound shops witnessing huge year on year growth, according to the latest web analysis from global information services company Experian. Shopping traits in the wake of the recession have changed significantly across all consumer groups, with discount shoppers now likely to be families with both parents on solid incomes and increasingly wealthy suburbanites, while even the wealthiest groups in society are beginning to look harder for value.

Analysis from Experian Hitwise, the online competitive intelligence tool, has found that visits to Discount Britain websites – price comparison, social shopping, vouchers, cashback, pound shops and other austere shopping sites – have grown 17 per cent between 2012 and 2013.  Year on year growth for these shopping categories show dramatic rises in: 

  • Online pound shops: 34 million visits,  88 percent growth
  • Social shopping sites: 523 million visits, 57 percent growth
  • Voucher sites: 350 million visits, 18 percent growth
  • Cashback sites: 184 million visits, 3 percent growth

Social shopping sites, where people come together to access deals, have become the main hub for discount shoppers, with people making the most of daily discount emails to alert them to deals. With pound shops beginning to develop online offerings and seeing 3.5 million visits a month, this category is the fastest growing of the austere shopping sites, and could accelerate rapidly in 2014 as more pound shop brands go online. The start of the year saw a spurt of visits to pound shop sites, with 125 percent growth February 2013 to February 2014.

Who are these discount shoppers?

Analysis from Experian’s Mosaic tool has shown that demographic groups representative of Middle Britain are now at the forefront of discount shopping, with the following key groups now regularly visiting Discount Britain sites:

Affluent working families – 12 percent more likely than the average consumer to visit Discount Britain sites

  • Families with young children where both parents are likely to earn solid incomes providing for a comfortable modern home
  • Most likely to have a gross annual household income of £40,000 - £100,000
  • Juggling a young family with a career means seeking value for money when spending on all items
  • A hyper connected and internet-savvy group with the technology and knowledge to look for bargains

Older suburban dwellers – 8 per cent more likely than the average consumer to visit Discount Britain sites

  • Maturing families on mid-range incomes living a moderate lifestyle in suburban semis
  • Most likely to have a gross annual household income of £30,000 - £80,000
  • A middle class and hard working group, tastes are middle of the road and unpretentious, with this group shopping in large retail chains and purchasing mainstream brands both on and offline
  • Likely to have the time and inclination to shop around for deals

Younger house buyers – 6 per cent more likely than the average consumer to visit Discount Britain sites

  • Young singles and couples in small modern starter homes
  • Most likely to have a gross annual household income of £20,000 - £50,000
  • This group are keen users of the internet to find goods and services and coordinate their lives – they use the internet for this purpose primarily rather than for entertainment

Growth of visits to Discount Britain websites has come from a cross section of society, with some of the most affluent Mosaic groups demonstrating a change in their shopping behaviour, and are now more likely to use online discount sites than 12 months ago.  The very wealthy (those who live in the most up market neighbourhoods and are eight times more likely to have a gross household income of well over £100,000) are now 6 per cent more likely to visit Discount Britain websites than they were a year ago, while high earning professionals are now 4 per cent more likely. This change in consumer behaviour is evidence that all types of British shopper are now looking for value.

Nigel Wilson, Managing Director, Experian Marketing Services, commented: “There is little doubt that the average Briton has had to become more savvy in recent years to make the most of their earnings. This includes using discount shopping sites to find the best deals out there. Marketers may be surprised that the richest groups in society are using these sites, but it really highlights the importance of understanding your customers, and how their attitudes change. These people might still be unafraid to spend on luxury items, but they are conscious of making their money go further in other ways.”

Experian will be unveiling a new version of Mosaic in Spring 2014, which will offer new and unparalleled insight into demographic shifts in the population of the United Kingdom. Incorporating the latest Census data, Mosaic will offer insight into neightbourhoods, living patterns and the shape of our cities, to name but a few capabilities.


Matthew Tubbs
Ruder Finn for Experian Marketing Services

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