Experian launches new B2B online marketing tool

news release


Experian launches new B2B online marketing tool


Nottingham, 19 March 2012 — Experian®, the global information services company, has launched pH Search, a new online business-to-business marketing tool that can be customised to the bespoke needs of individual businesses, improving their ability to run regular, highly targeted marketing campaigns.

Designed to be used either as a web application or integrated into users’ customer relationship management (CRM) systems, pH Search can be customised according to a firm’s specific business needs. 

For example, pH Search data can be matched against a firm’s own bespoke data to ensure there is no crossover of current customers and new prospects, enabling more accurate targeting when designing marketing campaigns and more relevant customer contact.  Businesses can understand and profile the characteristics of their best, most profitable current customers and then locate similar prospects within Experian’s database.

Drawing on Experian’s data insight, pH Search helps users to understand how adaptive a business is to change, how generous the firm is as an employer (in terms of offering health insurance to its employees for example) or what the short and long term growth prospects are for the company.  Decision maker contact and company details can be downloaded straight into the users’ CRM systems.

Parameters can also be set, so that a firm’s employees only access the customer profiles that are ‘right’ for the business – a key benefit for businesses with large sales and marketing functions keen to ensure consistency and reduce duplication. 

Max Firth, Managing Director of Experian’s Business Information Services, said: “The most successful and cost effective marketing campaigns have been delivered by businesses that have combined their own internal data with external intelligence to create more tailored communications.  This has been achieved through a consultancy based approach and has enabled those firms to operate competitively no matter how challenging the market has been. 

pH Search takes B2B marketing to the next level, combining a consultancy based approach with the best data and analytics that enable users to intelligently profile and market their services to prospects that are most likely to find them of use.”


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Ms Serj Heera 

PR Manager

0115 992 2773/07837 652169

