Banco Sabadell improves its credit decisioning process automisation with Experian

Banco Sabadell Improves Its Credit Decisioning Process Automisation With Experian

Banco Sabadell is to implement a fully-managed application evaluation service from Experian, the global information services company. Experian´s Transact SM will provide Banco Sabadell with an environment to integrate the different phases of assessing particulars credit applications. The bank will be able to make faster decisions, while maintaining the highest standards in risk assessment.

Transact SM accesses different data sources before applying the business rules and strategies set by Banco Sabadell, in place to enable the bank to make appropriate lending decisions after assessing an applicant’s credit-worthiness.

Víctor Rojas, Risk Systems Director Banco Sabadell, commented: “Transact SM will contribute to the improvement of our credit risk management, while achieving significant cost savings. Efficent credit risk management is vital to being competitive in current market conditions.”

Jesús García, Business Development Director Experian’s Decision Analytics division Iberia, said: “Experian’s aim is to support our clients to manage and optimise risk and gain operational efficiencies throughout the customer relationship”.

For further information on the press release please contact:
Beatriz Sanjuan, Media Relations Experian Decision Analytics EMEAI
Tel: +34 617 390 451 
