Experian publishes second Corporate Responsibility Report

News release


James Russell


+44 (0)115 828 7269 Tel

james.russell@uk.experian.com E-mail







London, UK, 25 June 2008 - Experian (LSE: EXPN), the global information services company, announced today that it has published its second Corporate Responsibility report and was selected for inclusion in the FTSE4Good Index. 


The FTSE4Good Index is designed to measure the performance of companies that meet globally recognised corporate responsibility standards, and to facilitate investment in those companies. Previously Experian was included as part of GUS plc.


Don Robert, Chief Executive Officer of Experian commented: “In difficult economic environments, we feel that more, not less, focus should be placed on our corporate responsibilities. That means more money, more volunteering and more effort to consider social and ethical aspects in all our decisions.”


The Corporate Responsibility report illustrates how Experian is developing its CR strategy to incorporate social, environmental and ethical considerations into everyday business processes.  The strategy also provides a focus for the Company’s community investment programme, which aims to encourage entrepreneurship and support programmes that help people, particularly the young, manage their finances in a personal and business context.


The report covers progress on the following six areas of responsibility:


  • Use and protect data properly - respecting all the relevant laws, helping evolve industry guidelines and new legislation and ensuring a culture of compliance with the highest standards of integrity.
  • Create social and economic benefit through our products services and capabilities - balancing commercial benefit with consumers’ rights and needs.
  • Inform and empower consumers - and ensure that those who interact directly with our company receive fair and honest treatment.
  • Be a good employer to all - establishing a set of expected behaviours and values, aiming to that everyone working for us is treated fairly, given the maximum opportunity to fulfil their potential and that all our workplaces are safe and healthy
  • Minimise environmental impacts associated with our business - and enable employee participation, with a particular concentration on the reduction of energy use and its effect on global warming.
  • Play an active part in social and economic regeneration in our communities - be they local, national or global.

To read Experian’s full report go to: http://www.experiancrreport.com/

