Experian CheetahMail wins T-Mobile contract

News release


James Russell


+44 (0)115 828 7269 Tel

james.russell@uk.experian.com E-mail





London, UK, 25 June 2008 - T-Mobile has appointed Experian CheetahMail as its e-mail marketing partner of choice in the UK. Experian’s global e-mail marketing and customer intelligence service will provide T-Mobile with the necessary insight, expertise and technology with which to optimise all of its permissions-based e–mail marketing messages.


The deal will involve Experian CheetahMail designing, managing and deploying highly targeted e-mail marketing campaigns for T-Mobile, as well as providing a range of professional services such as e-mail management and strategic consulting.   The scope and scale of the Experian CheetahMail services at T-Mobile’s disposal will enable the mobile operator to get the greatest return from its e-mail marketing activities through highly relevant and targeted messages. 


The deal with Experian CheetahMail sees T-Mobile moving to an outsourced e-mail marketing model, having previously run its e-mail marketing campaigns in-house.


Mark Silk, Senior Manager in the Loyalty Team at T-Mobile, commented: “The mobile arena is extremely competitive when it comes to retaining existing customers. Therefore, data insight and the right expertise in how to use it is crucial to ensuring that we get the best possible return from our e-mail marketing communications throughout the customer lifecycle.  The level of strategic counsel, data insight and control Experian CheetahMail provides us with means that we are in the best possible position to enhance the retention and profitability of our customer relationships.  In today’s climate this is an incredibly powerful proposition.” 


Roy Jugessur, Head of Sales, UK & Ireland for Experian CheetahMail, said: “As one of the largest mobile operators in the world, T-Mobile realises the importance of getting the most from e-mail marketing in an industry where customer churn is a key concern.  The deal with Experian CheetahMail will take advantage of our experience, insight and technology to help T-Mobile obtain the best possible return on its e-mail marketing investment.”

