Building a stronger, more advantaged Experian

We see great opportunities ahead for Experian and are confident in our long-term prospects. Deeply rooted in solving important problems for clients and consumers, we continue to make lots of progress executing on our strategy. We have gained momentum as we successfully scale our largest, most strategic initiatives and have laid the foundations for our next phase of multi-year growth, placing us in a unique position with the opportunity to address large, new high-growth markets and to deliver on our ambitious financial goals.

A group of four people gathered around a table, engaged in a collaborative discussion in a bright, modern office setting.

Maximising synergies

A key competitive advantage for Experian is the interplay between the business-to-business and direct-to-consumer elements of our business. Our mission is to help consumers use their data to control, manage and improve their financial lives, while our position as the trusted custodian of consumers' data helps us to develop even better propositions for our B2B clients. 

Our strategic focus areas

Our innovation is inherently driven by customer trends. This helps us to identify high-value customer problems and invest to develop product solutions.


Make credit and lending simpler, faster and safer for consumers and businesses, help lenders offer frictionless credit products, make insightful lending and customer decisions and optimally manage portfolios.


Empower consumers to improve their financial lives, gain access to credit, safeguard their identity, save money, negotiate debt and enhance their financial knowledge.


Help businesses verify identity and combat  fraud, streamline the authentication of legitimate parties, and achieve regulatory compliance.


Help organisations in specialised verticals harness data, analytics and software to make smarter decisions around fraud, identity, prospecting and other risk-based processes.


Enable businesses to find, understand and connect with audiences, to market products and services to their customers, and to remain compliant with regulations.

Make credit and lending simpler, faster and safer

A couple happily interacting with a professional, discussing plans

Case study: Ascend Platform - We help thousands of financial institutions redefine how lending is done

Imagine you work for a large national bank. You have 300 million individuals on the database, and for each single person you have two decades of financial history and thousands of associated attributes. What can you do with this treasure trove of data?

You could plan for targeted marketing campaigns. You could evaluate credit risk for potential credit card applicants. You could even delve into market insights, assessing your position and identifying new opportunities. You are exploring a world of boundless potential.

However, unlocking these opportunities is far from simple. You could, liken many banks, opt for the conventional path. You'd buy data and software from a patchwork of vendors, wrestle with integrating them all, then spend countless hours building your own model from scratch. Endless rounds of testing would follow, all before you could even launch. It's a timeconsuming, resource-draining slog.

And let's not forget the ever-present worry. As scams grow more complex and cunning, even vigilant businesses could accidently fall into the traps of scammers – leading to millions in lost loan funds.

This is where Experian steps in, offering to alleviate this burden.

Here, we become your partner, not just a data provider. Under one roof, we bring together all the necessary elements: data, analytics models, and essential tools like credit and fraud prevention. We then integrate them seamlessly into a unified platform called Ascend.

For smaller companies with limited resources, Ascend becomes more than just a tool – it’s their one-stop shop, providing all the essential capabilities, data, and analytics, along with hands-on guidance to ensure successful implementation and ongoing management. Ascend delivers 24/7 support, ensuring operations run smoothly and efficiently.

For larger organisations with established expertise, Ascend acts as a powerful accelerator. It significantly reduces the time and effort required to create or update models, allowing companies to adapt swiftly, to respond to market fluctuations and navigate regulatory requirements with greater agility.

Since its launch in 2019, the Ascend Platform has continued to expand, empowering thousands of organisations worldwide to unlock the full potential of their data through a secure and scalable environment. It allows financial institutions to leverage the combined power of data and software, creating a wealth of synergies that drive better decision-making and propel growth.

Empower consumers to improve their financial lives

A woman withdrawing money from an ATM

Case study: Experian Smart Money - We help millions of people realise their financial goals and dreams

You may have already heard about Experian’s game-changing feature, Experian Boost, which millions of individual consumers use to instantly improve their credit scores, without taking on more debt. With Experian Boost, payments that don’t usually impact your credit report are factored in to increase your score.

This year, we took things further by embedding this first-of-its-kind feature into Experian Smart Money, a credit-building digital checking account.

Now, you can simply add money to the Experian Smart Money account and make payments with it, without manually typing your bank account number every three months to grant Experian access. All of the rest will be handled by Experian. This makes it even more convenient for consumers to engage Experian in their daily lives.

But there is much more value to the Smart Money offer – the vision goes far beyond a digital checking account. Smart Money aims to be a bridge, to connect millions of consumers across Experian’s membership and Marketplace ecosystem and help them to benefit from an industry-leading suite of financial tools, enabling ‘do-it-for-me’ services like getting a loan, buying a car, getting out of debt or even finding the best product off our platform, all in one place.

For Experian, Smart Money will be an important platform to grow our membership base and foster deeper connections with consumers.

For consumers, Experian delivers value through its one-stop financial shop, meeting their financial needs all in one place. This is something you could imagine only with Experian.

Help businesses verify identity and combat fraud

A small Brazilian vendor selling tourist souvenirs

Case study: Serasa Experian - We help millions of Brazilians fight fraud in a way only Experian can

Fraud is a persistent global problem, and Brazil is no exception. Millions of Brazilians fall victim every year, with a dramatic number of fraudulent attempts happening every second. Nearly 40% of the population has been targeted, and over half has suffered financial loss due to fraud*.

It’s frustrating that fraudsters are able to continuously exploit weaknesses and innovate scams. You think you’ve found a way to fight them only to realise that the fraudsters have found new ways to bypass your new security measures. Financial institutions, such as banks and credit card companies, are themselves frequently targeted in this ongoing war.

This is where Experian steps in. We empower organisations to fight fraud across the entire customer journey.

When a user onboards, we can quickly verify their identity. Out of every 100 users who onboard, we can accurately identify nearly 92% of them based on distinct records in our database. We combine these data assets with industry-leading technologies such as facial recognition, and this enables us to proactively identify potential threats.

We can even determine whether a user is fake by analysing the device they’re using. We accomplish this swiftly and securely to ensure a smooth user experience.

When users progress further into their digital journey, we continue to monitor their behaviour. During transactions, we help our clients authenticate documents to ensure the information submitted by users is valid. We are able to do this thanks to our unparalleled knowledge of over 10,000 regulations and formatting standards in Brazil. Most importantly, we complete the verification process in real time.

We are the only player in Brazil who can make the user experience seamless throughout the customer’s digital journey. This is all because of the large database we have and the technology we deploy to transform data into valuable insights. Our capabilities set us apart from our peers.

We understand that there's no single solution for everyone. Therefore, we provide solutions tailored to our clients’ specific needs. We take into account their business model and their risk exposure, as well as regulations, and the user’s journey. We provide our clients with a toolkit from which they can choose the specific components they need to fight fraud – just like building with LegoTM. In this way, we empower business in Brazil to combat fraud in a way only we can.

Help organisations in specialised verticals harness data, analytics and software

a doctor talking to a patient in hostpical

Case study: Experian Health - We help healthcare providers manage costs in a simpler way

The US healthcare market is remarkably complex, with numerous and ever-changing private and government insurance plans covering about 90% of the population. For healthcare providers, patient care comes first, but their ability to receive reimbursement for rendered services hinges on the accuracy of the patient information they capture and, in turn, submit to insurance companies who cover most healthcare costs.

For more than a decade, Experian has been a market leader in helping healthcare providers verify demographic and insurance information, leveraging our robust data sources for patient details and strong connections with thousands of insurance companies, across every region of the USA.

Despite these capabilities, the verification process was limited to one-to-one information exchanges. Most of the time, it was labour intensive and inefficient, with significant follow-up work required as industry complexity increased. In the USA alone, such inefficiency costs health providers over US$200bn in lost revenue annually. Meanwhile, if the services can’t be billed correctly, patients often bear the cost, which is a huge, sometimes undue, burden for them. Clear and accurate billing helps ensure a smooth experience for everyone involved, reducing stress for patients, minimising errors and delays for healthcare providers, and promoting positive relationships between all parties.

To simplify the process, this year Experian acquired healthcare data automation company WaveHDC, which uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) machine-learning capabilities to capture insurance data and significantly simplify the patient registration process for both the patient and the registrar. With this new capability, Experian can now empower intake staff to achieve results traditionally associated with experienced personnel, and to significantly reduce training time and workload.

This technology enables a new employee to be just as effective as an industry veteran. Maybe even more so. The result is a faster, more accurate process, with a significant reduction of back-end rework.

While the healthcare industry has come to accept the growing amount of rework as an unavoidable hassle, Experian’s new technology is proving that there’s a better way.

Compared to the back-and-forth enquiries between insurance companies and healthcare providers in the past, with intake staff wedged in the middle to try to interpret the responses, healthcare providers can now search for patients’ personal and insurance information with a single enquiry. Experian then automates the transactions in real time, with minimal human intervention and maximum certainty. One click – all the answers.

This innovative approach is reshaping the future of healthcare in a significant step forward that sets Experian apart from our peers. For healthcare providers, the improved process offers a better patient experience and significantly improves payment efficiency and labour needs. For patients, most of the treatment cost can be covered by insurance, leading to less stress from incorrect bills.

Enable businesses to find, understand and connect with audiences

a happy family in a car

Case study: Experian Automotive - We help the US Automotive industry manage the transition to electric vehicles

Global warming and the climate crisis are urgent global challenges. In the USA alone, the transportation sector is the largest contributor of green house gas emissions contributing 28% of total emissions, of which 80% is attributable to vehicles*. The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) has emerged as a promising pathway to help alleviate this problem.

To support this transition, Experian Automotive has strategically aligned its capabilities across different product lines to create solutions that cater to customers across the entire value chain.

At the endpoint of the value chain, buyers and sellers of EVs share a common need: to accurately evaluate the safety and value of these vehicles before any transaction takes place. To address this need, the Experian AutoCheck report provides transparency on used EVs by including essential information such as battery details, EV-specific recalls, and Recurrent battery health statistics, all of which play a crucial role in determining vehicle worth.

Moving further upstream in the value chain, dealers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) face the task of identifying and targeting in-market buyers who are actively interested in purchasing EVs. They also need to strategically determine the most effective channels for advertising and promoting these vehicles. To support these efforts, the Experian Marketing Engine (EME) product line creates EV-specific audience segments, enabling dealers to pinpoint consumers who are interested in particular makes, models, and battery types of electric vehicles.

At the uppermost point of the value chain, traditional and new OEMs must make critical decisions regarding vehicle production, location, and parts inventory management. To guide these decisions, Automotive Statistics on Experian's Velocity platform provides detailed insights into vehicle registration trends, including data on the number and type of EVs registered, resulting in market share by brand and model. This information can be tailored to various geographic levels, ranging from national overviews to granular insights at the zip code level. Marketers leverage these statistics to precisely focus their EV marketing spend, ensuring maximum impact and return on investment.

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