
Luiz was appointed to the Board on 8 September 2015.

Other current roles

Luiz is a Board member of DOTZ S.A.

Skills and contribution

Luiz has spent most of his career in financial services and has extensive insight and deep local knowledge of the Brazilian financial market. His considerable boardroom experience adds to the strength, depth and effectiveness of our Board.


Luiz has held Chief Executive roles at Cetip S.A., Banco Ibi and Redecard, together with senior finance and investment positions at Banco Citibank S.A., Banco Marka S.A. and C&A Brenninkmeyer Brasil. Luiz was President and a member of the Executive Board at Cetip S.A., and a Board member of Grupo Sequóia de Logística, Eneva S.A., Discount Malls do Brasil, Banco Ibi, FHV Holdings Ltda., Magnopus, Inc. and Carrefour Brazil (the trading name of Atacadão S.A.).

Experian Board committees

  • Audit Committee
  • Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee
  • Remuneration Committee